Change To Twin

  • December 3, 2024
  • admin
Objectives The main ambition of Change2Twin is to ensure that 100% of manufacturing companies in Europe have access to 100% of technologies needed to deploy a digital twin. Change2Twin...


  • December 3, 2024
  • admin
Santer Reply, GridDuck, Diversey, TEC Eurolab and Metal Office propose creating an operating system for adapting factory production processes and other energy use to rooftop solar energy generation. The...

Develop Data Exchange

  • December 3, 2024
  • admin
Building institutional capacity and cooperation to Develop Data Exchange ecosystem in Danube region with the aim of supporting and coordinate better absorption rate of EU funds and Invest EU....
Priemyselný Inovačný Klaster je zmluvným partnerom Slovenského centra digitálnych inovácií. Projekt Slovenské centrum digitálnych inovácií je financovaný Európskou úniou NextGenerationEU a z prostriedkov Plánu obnovy a odolnosti na základe...