Gender Equality plan of the Industry Innovation Cluster 2023-2027

1. Introduction

The Industry Innovation Cluster  (hereinafter also referred to as “IIC”) is an interest association of legal entities that was established in accordance with §20f et seq. of the Civil Code It operates throughout the territory of the Slovak Republic and the subject of the Association’s activities is:

  1. Bringing together leaders of Slovak industry in order to create and improve innovation in Slovakia,
  2. Promoting cooperation in sharing innovative ideas and “know-how” in the field of research and development,
  3. Promoting cooperation between academia and the business environment,
  4. Participating in the development of new financial instruments to co-finance innovative projects in the field of Smart Industry, Smart Mobility and  Smart Cities from private and public sources,
  5. Promoting an innovative ecosystem in the Slovak Republic,
  6. Identification of possible opportunities for cooperation in the field of research and development between the members of the Association and universities,
  7. Shared management of major innovative projects with consulting and coaching opportunities,
  8. Implementation of a wide range of activities in the field of EU funding,
  9. Creation and sharing of useful “know-how” among the members of the Association.
  10. Conduct research and development in the field of natural and technical vied

The members of the EIC are legal entities that carry out business activities in economic sectors or which are related to business activities by their focus. IIC is also represented in international institutions. From a sectoral point of view, IIC members are business entities across the economy – manufacturing, commercial companies, companies providing services in the field of science and research, universities and colleges.

2. Legislative bases of the Slovak Republic in the field of gender equality

The CIP Gender Equality Plan is based on the basic principles of the protection of human rights and freedoms, including gender equality, enshrined in relevant documents of valid Slovak and international legislation.

Within the framework of national legislation, equality in fundamental rights and freedoms regardless of gender, race, color, language, faith and religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, membership of a nationality or ethnic group, property, gender or other status is declared by Constitutional Act No. 460/1992 Coll. Constitution of the Slovak Republic Regardless of the above-mentioned specifics in employment and employment relationships of natural persons, equality is guaranteed by Act No. 311/2001 Coll. The Labour Code, which stipulates that women and men have the right to equal treatment as regards access to employment, remuneration and promotion, vocational training and working conditions. The principle of equal treatment  and  protection against various forms of discrimination is set out in Act No. 365/2004 Coll. on Equal Treatment in Certain Areas and Protection against Discrimination and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Anti-Discrimination Act).

The Slovak Republic subscribes to the values of the European Union and its priorities. Promoting equality between women and men is the role of the Union in all its activities as required by the Treaties. Gender equality is a fundamental value of the EU, a fundamental right1. Following the European Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025, the National Strategy for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities in the Slovak Republic for 2021-2027 and the subsequent Action Plan for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities for 2021-2027 were approved in May 2021.

3. Gender equality IIC

Since its inception, IIC has been governed by applicable legislation at the national and international level. It fully respects the international conventions to which the Slovak Republic has acceded, including the Lisbon Strategy and adherence to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

According to standard ethical principles (code of ethics), IIC creates working conditions for all its professionals and employees in accordance with their classification, regardless of their nationality, race, sexual orientation, religion or cultural differences. IIC also ensures compliance with generally known and respected moral and ethical principles of integrity in science, research and education based on good morals… “.

In accordance with its standard work regulations, IIC guarantees equal treatment to all professional workers, employees and officials and prohibits discrimination also on grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, marital and family status, race, skin color, disability, language, political or other opinion, membership of a national minority, religion or belief, trade union activity, national or social origin, property, gender or other status.

The EIC has adopted this conceptual plan for monitoring, evaluating and promoting gender equality, reconciliation of family and  work life and the empowerment of women in the workplace under the Gender Equality Plan, coupled with the preparation of project proposals under the Horizon Europe calls. 

4. Human resources of IIC

IIC monitors the gender structure of employees annually as part of the preparation of the IIC Annual Activity Report. An insight into the share of men and women in the field of education, research and development is provided by internal employee records and reports prepared for the purposes of state statistical surveys for the needs of the Slovak Republic.

The statutory bodies of IIC and the Supervisory Board of IIC are created in accordance with the statutes of the association, which are registered at the relevant district office at the place of the registered office of IIC and subsequently  on the basis of the results of the elections to the bodies of IIC.

5. EIC Gender Equality Plan

IIC has set out its areas and objectives of the IIC Gender Equality Plan.

The primary objectives for the period 2023-2027 are:

  • institutionalize gender equality in the CIP,
  • create conditions for gender balance in IIC management positions,
  • promote successful women, monitor and evaluate statistical data on the gender aspect at the EIC,
  • raise awareness of female employees in the field of gender-based violence and sexual harassment,
  • create conditions for the reconciliation of personal and professional life of employees.

When implementing the Gender Equality Plan, the KIC takes into account the main recommended areas set by the European Union, namely: gender equality in the recruitment process and career advancement; gender balance in management and decision-making positions; inclusion of the gender dimension in the content of education; measures against gender-based violence; reconciliation of personal and professional life and organizational culture.

The IIC Gender Equality Plan for 2023-2027 specifies the planned activities with  objectives and activities aimed at promoting IIC Gender Equality. The President of IIC is responsible for the implementation of the IIC Gender Equality Plan.

Responsible person: Martina Le Gall Maláková (