The Gaia-X Hub Slovakia summit in Žilina brought the activities of the Hub closer to the public, introduced the IIC partners as well as Gaia-X Hub Slovakia itself, and pointed out possible cooperation and future direction within the framework of this project with the University of Žilina. Gaia-X is a technological project of the future, the very functioning of which is largely unknown to the public. The Summit, which IIC organized in cooperation with EIT Manufacturing CLC East and EU Pro Gigant, was supposed to serve as a tool to communicate the importance of this European data infrastructure project, the importance of which will continue to grow for the public in the future. It is highly desirable to implement activities of a similar nature in order to spread awareness about the important activities of the cluster. This summit raised awareness of all participating partners such as the Industrial Innovation Cluster, EIT Manufacturing, EuProGigant and the University of Žilina.