The topic of digitization, opportunities and pitfalls of the digital market is currently a very topical and discussed topic. At the level of the European Union, two new legislative proposals are being prepared from December 2020: the Draft Regulation on Digital Services (DSA) and the Draft Regulation on Digital Markets (DMA), which have the ambition to significantly influence the further functioning of the platform economy at the global level, the rules for moderating online content, downloading of illegal content, to strengthen competitiveness on the digital market or the protection of fundamental rights online.
As one of the member states of the European Union, the Slovak Republic has the opportunity to shape the final shape of the further direction of the regulation of the digital economy. Martina Le Gall Maláková represented the Industrial Innovation Cluster at the online discussion organized by PhDr. Ján Oravc, CSc., State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, on the topic Digital package – “Will DSA and DMA change the online world?”. The goal of the presentation was to evaluate the new rights and obligations of all affected entities. Mrs. Maláková spoke in the third block with the topic “Can small and medium-sized enterprises establish themselves and develop in the new conditions for digital services and digital markets?” DSA and DMA are very important documents that will enter into force and will be an important part of Slovak and European legislation.
The industrial innovation cluster was part of the discussion and comments on these documents, which, even with expert additions from the cluster, will be better prepared for adaptation to the Slovak environment. It is important to pass on the acquired know-how of the cluster in areas where we feel we are strong. Contributing to these discussions not only helps improve Slovak legislation, but also increases awareness of the cluster itself.